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Winter semester 2023/2024

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SMILE (Student Mobility in Latin America, Caribbean and Europe)

Organizational unit AGH University of Krakow
Language(s) of instruction English, Polish
Recruitment committee address 30 Mickiewicza Ave., building A-3, room 12A, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Office opening hours 10.00-14.00
WWW address https://www.international.agh.edu.pl/en
There is currently no active phase in this registration.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (28.03.2023 00:00 – 23.08.2023 23:59)

Active phases in other registrations:
  • Summer semester 2024/2025
    Phase 1 (16.07.2024 00:00 – 31.12.2024 23:59)

SMILE at a glance

The SMILE programme is a real gem :)

It allows student mobilities with Universities settled in Latin America and cooperating within the Magalhães framework.

SMILE will allow you to come to AGH University for one semester. During your stay you will take part in lectures/seminars/labs/field classes offered by AGH University in English. You will get the chance to live a student's life in Krakow, meet new people, gain new perspectives and... you will ask for an extension of stay :)

What does it involve?

SMILE is an opportunity for:
- short-term scholarships for studies,
- short-term scholarships for internship/training.

SMILE for studies is open for students.

ATTENTION! This registration is only for first and second-cycle students.

SMILE at AGH University

You can come to AGH University as SMILE student only if there is an existing agreement. Information about existing SMILE agreements is available on the website of the AGH University Centre for International Affaris or in the Unit in your Home University dealing with international cooperation.
If you feel lost, please contact us (exchange@agh.edu.pl). We will try to help you.

At the moment AGH University has 5 agreements signed with the following Partner Universities:
- Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires (Argentina),
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
- Universida Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile),
- Universidad de los Andes (Colombia),
- Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico),
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (Mexico),
- Universidad Tecnologica de Panama (Panama),
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (Peru),
- Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela).


If you want to come to AGH University within SMILE exchange, please contact SMILE Coordinator at your Home University. Your Home University will send us the list of students nominated for an Erasmus+ scholarship. If your name is on the list, we will contact you and inform about next steps to be taken. We will ask you to register in our system and submit application files (listed below). Together we will discuss your plans, arrange your preliminary selection of courses and assign you an Academic Supervisor. If everything is fine, you will be asked to send us your Learning Agreement. At the end we will issue a Letter of Acceptance for you.


Nomination Winter semester 31 May 2024
  Summer semester 15 November 2024
Registration Winter semester
30 June 2024
  Summer semester 31 December 2024

We accept only applications submitted in the system.

Required documents

Files required during application:
transcript of records with subjects completed at the Home University in previous years,
- a scan of passport page or other identity document with a photo and personal data,
- a certificate confirming your knowledge of English at the minimum level of B2 (according to the Council of Europe scale) or a certificate confirming knowledge of Polish - depending on the language in which the classes are conducted; we also accept certificates issued by your Home University,
- an official photo (passport format).


For more details regarding procedures and regulations governing the financial support, please contact your Coordinator at your Home University.